Thursday, October 26, 2006

It has been almost a whole year since I last updated so I guess that no one really checks this any more. But I love you if you do. Th is the countdown til GRADUATION

Saturday, October 29, 2005

my friend
my jeaopardy partner
my friday date
my saturday date
my heart
my childhood
my soulmate
my guardian angel
my parton saint
my forever golden girl
my grandma

happy one year in heaven
say hi to Popop for me

i love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


so i am back i haven't been online and then jenny's nanny died and katie grandma was diagnosed with sacoma and it has been a wirlwind of stuff.
Today in school this kid who is popular and has lots of friends and talent got in alot of trouble: on friday there was Homecomming and he got high and his dad found out and beat him and then he ran to his friends house. When he comes to school today he doesnt have the uniform and people are wondering why? then next thing he in the boys locker room swinging a mental bat around threating anyone to come near him. It turns out the his dad had come in for a meeting and was looking for him. he ran away again down rt 138 and mr c when after him in the drivers ed car. they caught up with him and then the cops came and i think arrested him. this is just a rumor and it kinda comes a good source. kids are already planning a sit-in if they kick him out. so with all the bad stuff that just keeps happening i am just waiting so something else to go wrong
so wish me luck!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Jenny's nanny is sick and in the hospital so i get to steal her everyday for the rest of the week from 4-8:30 while her mom is at the hospital.
Katie grew up soooooooooooooooooo much since the last time i saw her like TWO WEEKS AGO she is talking ALL the time and is in the why? stage she memorized a book and was reading it to us in the car. She got sooo big she must have grew at least 1/2 in. I will joke and ask her to come here and she respondes with "Jenny come there??" and i go " no you silly goose you" and then i chase her and tickle her and blow raspberries on her belly and she goes "NO- giggle" then she laughs and laughs and laughs. We sang song today and she was like YEAH-I KNOW THESE I gonna sing.

I want to put her in shrink wrap and keep her little forever!

Thursday, September 15, 2005


Random Irish Gaelic Phrase Are You? "

Ta mo bhriste tri thine

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Britney Spears had her kid- a boy. Shannon told me i was soooooooooo excited that i couldn't stop singing and jumping for joy. I almost peed in my pants..
OK enough with me ranting about the baby, sometimes my sardism is soooooo uncontaonable that i cringe.
I am almost over my little sicky thing YEAH school tomorrow WOOO WOOO I think i am going to pee I love school
i just have to keep telling myself that it is almost over and that high school is just high school and in fifteen years everyone i hate will be old and fat and ugly.
high school sucks and doesn't really count anyway
high school sucks and college is going to be better
high school sucks and is almost over
one year, 9 months 2 weeks 1 day 18 hours and 19 secondsnow 18 now 17............T
his is why i have older friends and Nyack on the weekends or i WOULD GO INSANE. I heart Nyack and bean i bought her for $3 from Shannon. Bean is her dog and my niece.
Shannon and i made plans to go see corpse bride when it comes out
I thought i was going today die but that ladies and gentlemenn is another story
called Indian Point Sirens and woo woo sounds from TV


Tuesday, September 06, 2005


AHHH school is tomorrow and i still have to do soo much I am beginning to see why having no high school is soo much better.I spent the weekend puppysitting and shannon is not longer a poopie-head. So puppiesitting did not occur and shann and katie and i just spent the weekend going to shannon's interviews and eating bad breakfast food. we went to woodbury commons with the family on sunday because we are weird and i brought shoes and then we went to the diner and chris put mayo in my ear. the next day i was at the palisades mall and i brought cool pants from torrid they are black and on the top have black lace and they make my butt look good. I am all and all happy about school i need to do stuff and not sit and do nothing all day. I hate to say it but i kinda like school and only two more years of high school and i am done.Sara and chris had school today. Chris' first day of high school--I don;t think it went very well and Sara has been sick and couldn't go (she was very upset)-- She called one of her friends to see what it was like-they don' have desks but tables (in 4th grade) and they know NO one only each other i will have to ask her if Mitch -her crush is in the class. i think no one reads my blog anymore
If you love me leave my comments of why you love me and i will comment you back as to why i love you.
and the world will be happy or at least my poor twisted form of it

Night Night